Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A New Blog for the Monthly Telcalls

We are in the process of consolidating our blogs and need to move our monthly telecall blog to another address: This will be the monthly telecall mp3 blogs from now on: http://metapointsgiftedmonthlytelecalls.blogspot.com/

You can go to the new blog and listen to all the metatelecalls!

Sign up for our amazing teleclasses.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Metapoints Monthly Gifted Telecalls

The Monthly Telecall facilitated by Tantra Maat is normally the 3rd Thursday of each month. October 2009 the telecall will be on Monday, October 12th. The time is always 5pm pacific and the number is always 605-475-6006 999326#. The day after the call, the mp3 of the call will be posted on this blog! Enjoy!

We begin our new curriculum. January 2010. We will be offering a study and a language of unity. I have known about these times for around 10,000 years. We need the mind of unity to be aware of a unity-based reality. This can only happen by no longer existing in a separation-conditioned mindstate. Discover who you are truly and that you are able for what you came for. More on the curriculum will be in our November newsletter.

Here is the link for the September 17th MetaTelecall with Tantra:
